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Beyond the big cats: My experiences in the wild on spotting Tigers

As we waited patiently on the safari jeep, we heard a screeching call. "That's the spotted deer's alarm call," alerted our Jeep driver. Our safari guide, Dharma, confirmed that a big cat was nearby, which made us incredibly excited as we had been to numerous tiger reserves, wildlife sanctuaries, and national parks but had only spotted pug marks and droppings.

We waited for a while hoping to catch a glimpse of the big cat, but it was an unnerving experience as we were on an open jeep. We carefully scanned the woods for any movement or noise. The forest was still except for the occasional crackling of dry leaves and twigs. The tall trees rustled softly in the wind, and the many bushes with tall grass provided an ideal hiding spot for any big cat. Each time we heard the spotted deer's screeching call, we turned around swiftly, searching for a tiger or a leopard, but to no avail.

After around half an hour, we heard another safari vehicle approaching. The drivers and guides exchanged messages in Kannada on the best places to spot elephants, jungle cats, crested serpent eagles, and other wildlife, and then they left. Later, we also left the place.

During our return journey, we saw many birds like the short-toed snake eagle and hoopoe, but it did not excite us as much as spotting the big cat would have. Dharma tried to revive our interest by sharing an interesting story about an ant nest we saw on a tree. It belonged to Crematogaster ants and had a unique relationship with the Rufous Woodpecker, especially when the latter was nesting. Although it sounded cool, all we could think of was the screeching call of the spotted deer and the close call with the tiger or leopard. We were so close to spotting one, yet we couldn't.

Most of us must have been in this situation. However, it’s important to remember that spotting any species in a wild is an experience that should have an interesting story to tell. For me, it all started with Bhadra Tiger Reserve five years ago, where our guide showed us fresh pug marks of a tiger. Two years later, I saw another pug mark in Mudumalai Tiger Reserve, but it was disbanded and not as intact as the one in Bhadra. Later, in Bandipur Tiger Reserve, we experienced this alarm call of the spotted deer. In all these instances, the habitat looked similar, with dense bushes, tall grasses, and a few tall trees with canopy covers scattered over the landscape.

Tiger Pugmark spotted in Bhadra tiger reserve
Tiger Pugmark spotted in Bhadra tiger reserve

Tiger pugmark spotted in Mudumalai Tiger Reserve
Tiger and human pugmark and spotted in Mudumalai Tiger Reserve

Last year, when we were in Kabini, where the tiger density is higher than any place in Western Ghats according to the 2018 tiger survey, we were again tempted to spot these big cats, along with their four adorable cubs. Our safari guides knew the location, and we stopped our vehicle in one place and waited for a long time. It was raining, and the place looked dense with tropical evergreen trees. The guide said that the tigers and the cubs might cross the road anytime, but as usual, we saw nothing.
Awaiting Tiger cubs in Kabini safari

As you can read from my experiences, it's not just about spotting the animal. It's about evoking curiosity, thinking deeper, and asking questions. Some of the questions that came to my mind are:
  • Why do tigers with cubs choose denser places to live? What is the need for them to relocate?
  • How do they find prey in a less dense space without attracting attention?
  • Why are there only a few tigers in a forest where all I can see are deer?
And many more...

Exploring the wild is an exhilarating experience that can evoke curiosity and spark questions about the fascinating creatures that inhabit it. When we venture into the wilderness, we are not just looking to spot a particular animal, but we are also seeking to understand their behavior and the unique relationship they have with their surroundings.

During my numerous visits to various tiger reserves, wildlife sanctuaries, and national parks, I have encountered several thrilling moments that have made me ponder the intricacies of the animal kingdom. These experiences have taught me to pay attention to the tiny details that shape their behavior and the way they interact with the ecosystem.

Every sighting, or even the mere sound of a screeching alarm call, evokes an indescribable thrill and excitement that keeps me engaged and invested in the journey. It is not just about capturing a photo of the creature but understanding the nuances of their behaviour that make these experiences truly magical. That being said, I lost interest of using cameras in my recent trips.

The wilderness is a place that instils a sense of awe, and it is not just about spotting the big cats, but it is also about observing the fascinating creatures that surround them. It is about understanding the unique relationship between prey and predator, and the role they play in maintaining the delicate balance of the ecosystem.

In conclusion, exploring the wild is not just about seeking thrills or capturing breath-taking photos, but it is also about fostering a deeper appreciation for the diverse and intricate world that surrounds us. Every sighting or sound that we encounter presents us with an opportunity to learn, ponder and appreciate the beauty of nature. So, the next time you embark on an adventure in the wilderness, remember to keep your senses sharp and embrace the little things that make it truly extraordinary.


  1. As mentioned in this article, I used to be curious to look for any wild animal whenever we go to forest and tempted to capture as many pictures as possible. As I keep looking for the wild (which I never succeeded in seeing as mentioned here), I loose interest in appreciating the small things which we never come across in our busy urban life. I hope I will be keen to look for the beauty of nature and I will try to feed my special senses (eyes and ears) rather than capturing pictures with DSLR cameras in future.
    Thank you Mr Gowthama for trying to make others think broader.

  2. There is a thrill of being ‘in the moment’. More than anywhere else, it is the wild which can get you to appreciate this thrill. Forget about spotting a big cat, even the process of triangulating it’s location by trying to figure out calls and movements is a thrill of being there! ЁЯШГ

  3. It's really thrilling. I wish I was there. After a long time I have read an article which is enchanting

  4. Very much true Gowthama. Your article would help like "everyone don't have to reinvent the wheel". Except a very few who would be lucky to see, others would arrive at the same opinion as yours. Been to Sariska and Bandipur. Somehow i was not confident about seeing a big cat in the wild. So i was enjoying the sounds and fabric of Nature. Being there itself is enchanting, as Mr.Shantaram mentioned.

  5. Exactly as you said watching any species in the wild is fascinating.

  6. Subashini Jaganathan27 April 2023 at 01:07

    Beautifully narrated and thanks for sharing your experiences

  7. Beautifully written, Gowtham and sucha a powerful lesson to learn... :)

  8. Gowtham
    Your lucid writing about your cool waiting repeatedly for the famous wild attracts me.
    Though it is void in the wild, it has greater inner meaning that many encountered in their tours .

  9. Gowtham
    Your lucid writing about your cool waiting repeatedly for the famous wild attracts me.
    Though it is void in the wild, it has greater inner meaning that many encountered in their tours

  10. I have entered the wild with same excitement and enjoyed the nature while reading to visualize the happenings in the safari, nature is the best teacher, thanks to remind the truth behind. Lovely flow, best wishes sirЁЯТР

  11. That’s a good one making us think, being in the moment is important when in the wild, rather than anticipation and disappointments. For us city dwellers, being in a dense forest surrounded by wild creatures in itself is a unique experience,.

  12. Its truly beautiful,"particularly, should cherish small things in and around us". Thank you for sharing this and I am eagerly waiting for your next piece of work.

  13. It's a really awesome experience..
    "Waiting fr the big cats"
    Concluded so nicely,
    "Must embrace the little things..embark your adventure on the wilderness" Impressive.
    Wishes for your upcoming Adventures.keep going..

  14. Heartwarming experience while reading ur article sir.. loved itЁЯТЦ.. Also my Bandipur National park experience with my loved ones in 2017 flashed back.. Thank you for taking me thereЁЯШК.. Your writing has taken me to the past,live in the present and hope for the adventurous and deep experience in the future☘️.. It's all your magic of writing ,sir.. keep rocking with your adventures and writings ,sir.. All the bestЁЯСН.. God bless you ❄️..

  15. The narration was really beautiful. And I completely agree that wilderness instills curiosity and patience at the same time. And totally can relate when you said you don't capture pictures much anymore and live the moment.


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